WALNUTS the movie is a darkly comedic look at family, friendship, and the extreme places one may go to find what they're looking for.

Any amount LARGE or small helps

Please consider becoming a Monthly Contributor
*via paypal or credit card*
Making an independent film like WALNUTS is no easy task, and often requires more time to complete. By making a monthly contribution you'll be making the process of completing the film more secure with continual assistance we can count on. *You control the amount and can easily CANCEL anytime!
WALNUTS currently resides in the Post-Production leg of filmmaking. Thanks to a dedicated ensemble of talent across the board, along with friends and family, we've been blessed to bring our modest-little-epic to life.
We set out to shoot a big, hearty, character driven dark-comedy that relied on focus, preparation, and true collaboration from all involved. With a bunch of trust, and creative cohesion we made our days, and avoided any ineffectual distractions. The experience went above and beyond expectation.
Sarah and I are eternally grateful to everyone involved in this film. From our initial fundraising campaign to now, WALNUTS has been built on the generosity and inventiveness of some amazing people. If you feel so inclined to join the Walnuts Family, and want to donate to this uniquely-entertaining vision, we gratefully thank you for your participation.